Mar 26, 2021
There are two views available for displaying Gmail in your web browser, Basic HTML and Standard. In December 2019, we discussed how to use Gmail in Basic HTML view.
This time, we show you how to use Gmail in Standard view, which is chosen by default. Standard view allows you to use all of the included Gmail features,...
Mar 18, 2021
Amazon’s Kindle app for PC is frequently used to read books at home and in school. Thanks to a collaboration between Freedom Scientific and Amazon, JAWS now contains improved support for the Kindle app to increase access to a wide range of materials.
In this session we give you an overview of the app and show you how...
Mar 12, 2021
In this episode on Google Sheets, we’ll show how to:
Whether you use it at home, school, or work, you’ll benefit from this task-based training and the important...
Mar 5, 2021
In this session, join our special guest Ben Knolles, AT Engineer with Vispero/The Paciello Group, along with Matt Ater and Eric Damery as they discuss and give an in-depth demonstration of new and existing ZoomText features.
Topics discussed include: